Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Some things that we forget

Have you ever wondered how the moon feels about itself????Lets consider it to be she as we often say "that girl is as beautiful as the moon"..I was wondering the other day how would she feel??She stays there all alone among the stars who are meagre compared to her.Are they jealous of her and her beauty??Do they even speak to her or just plot among themselves to outcast her???When the sun blazes people often complain,when it has a mild glow they bask in it and enjoy it...but just imagine the moon.! Except a few lovers, nocturnal creatures,some romantic poets and some insomniac,rest are peaucefully lying "In the arms of Morpheus"..Nobody is there to curse it or appreciate it.Even 20 years ago people had the time to appreciate its beauty and write stories and poetry about it ,but now in this Hi-tech world, we do not even stop for once and enjoy the luminiscence of the eternally beautiful moon.....

So my dear friends lets take some time out from our every day busy schedule and atleast for 5 mins enjoy the aura and the splendour of our nature's creation -our very own moon with our loved ones...
Till then enjoy my favourite poem by Walter de la mare-

Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Of doves in silver feathered sleep
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
With silver claws, and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A woman's note

Sometimes I wonder lonely as a cloud,
within the empty space of my own house.
Should it be called a home or a mere house.
Adorned with the splendour a human can crave
But does it really give me what I really pray?
A lonely soul,I walk about as a wandering ghost
From here to there and there to here alone almost
Until i got the news of your arrival
Which brings new hope of life's revival.
You are the joy in the entire dark life
As i wait for your arrival,my beautiful unborn child.

A lover's fear

If I had a dream,what would it be?
Would it be concerning you and me?
Or would it be about the trivialties of life which bothers only me?
Is it about you?
Or is it about the fear within me telling me you'll leave me for someone new.
I ask myself often,what is the thing that i most dread?
Is it you with someone or you being dead.
Then comes the reply within me
Its the fear of loosing you bcoz your the only one I can claim as mine.


She knew she had to see him although it was raining,
She drove like a wild child
The pain of his betrayal all over her heart and mind.
She wondered as she drove
What exactly went wrong?
How the marriage of 30 yers come to so slowly die?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Just a thoght

Its been a long time since my last blog.I actually forgot that I used to blog once upon a time.Now as i sit to write I find myself facing what we better know as "writer's block".In the past oe year a lot of thing has changed in my life.I left my job,accompanied my hubby to USA,partied hard,had surgery,got bored, finished 12 american sitcoms,cooked and threw partied,watched a little over 89 movies and the never ending list goes on.But still I guess due to our nature I complain about my so called frustrating life.
Anyway, what i realise now is that how life changes and takes so different turns.Some good,some bad but the saddest part is it doesnt go back to the lanes once already travelled.As I sit alone often I try to figure out what in life I miss the most and the most important thing I miss is the scoldings of my parents and the thrill that I felt in doing things that parents had no idea off.Bunking college,afternoon movies,sitting in cafeterias for hours,damn..the thrill if not getting caught was so amazing.Even the ban on watching television and using mobile phones before exams which used to be so annoying then is something I crave for nowdays.
As some writer had once said that when you crave for something earnestly and you get it you dont value that thing anymore.Same thing happened with me.When my mom used to scold I often wondered when can I run away from this place which used to be my home.but when I finally got my independence It seems that I am craving to go back to that lane which I had left long time ago.
Thus i guess.........
Either I am mad or its just because i'm simply a human being
Damn!!!!...we the humans can never be happy in any circumstances.....
Anyway dear readers..if at all anyone is reading this...have a good night coz am sleepy...till my nxt blog stay well...n enjoy every moment of your life.......